The Reminder

DISCLAIMER: Now, once again this is a work of ‘Fiction’. Now before you start reading I would like to give a Shout Out to Linda G. Hill! Thanks for providing me with a new perspective on how to make sense of these prompts! It is very much appreciated! 🙂

Once again, this post was inspired to me by ‘The Daily Post‘ October 17th Prompt – Urgent. Enjoy!


‘URGENT!’ The word echoed through my mind. You know, the worst part wasn’t the word itself. Oh no, I had become accustomed to living my life with a degree of urgency. But, the reminder that every morning there is another outstanding bill, that is long overdue never failed to but a damper on my mood.

I always knew that being an adult wasn’t going to be easy, that’s what they all told me. Maybe if I had believed them like I did now, I would’ve made more of a conscious effort to put a stop to it. Or maybe even minimize the damage brought on by my mistakes. Even though I knew it was inevitable.

To be honest, who could’ve predicted that a few minutes of fun could lead to a lifetime of regret? I certainly couldn’t, but I’m guessing the people around me probably could.

I mean, getting pregnant after just completing school wasn’t the best way to start adulthood. Or even ending my adolescence for that matter. Now, five years on I’m working in a job I hate, with a partner I’ve grown weary of and a life that I’ve grown to despise.

Even my son, who I love with every fibre of my being… fails to bring me joy. I go through the mail and stop when I see the letter regarding my appeal to put him up for ‘Adoption’. I can’t be the worst mother in the world, can I? Selfishly keeping my son when his parents really can’t provide for him? That’s not fair on him, and it can be argued that it’s also not fair on me. But, I was used to it. It was my way of living and if there was a chance that he could end up somewhere better. Doing something better, then I’d stop at nothing to see that happen.

There is a part that is gnawing at me as I continue to stare at the papers, and I realise that it’s the love that I have for him. The knowledge that although he was a mistake, he was a beautiful one at that. My thoughts are interrupted by a small voice, that’s almost inaudible.

“Mum, I drew this,” he hands me the picture with a smile beaming from ear to ear. As my eyes are met with the words ‘My Family’ at the top of the page, as my stomach tightens with a sense of guilt and as a result a lump is formed in the back of my throat. As three stick figures are drawn together, in different colours. I sigh, as my eyes pan over the words, ‘Mum, Dad and Me.’ I place the picture down on the table, as I turn to him and embrace him in a hug.

I hear him ask, “What is ‘Urgent?” as he breaks the hug, examining the letter.

“Haha,” I chuckle slightly. “Um… this bill is. Which Mummy has to pay right now. Hopefully you’ll never have to associate yourself with that word.”

He gave me a knowing look and smiled, placed the letter back down onto the table before jumping down and running towards the backyard.

My eyes glazed over the ‘URGENT’ Bill, before reaching the Adoption Papers before finally settling on the picture that had been drawn for me.

I sighed, before I stated in a whispered tone, “No one said that being an adult was easy.”


19 Comments Add yours

  1. LindaGHill says:

    Oh, so beautifully done, Ainsworth. You’ve captured the heartbreak with stunning clarity. I love it. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m so glad you feel that way, gosh! I’m not even technically an adult yet, so to read your comment has definitely just made my day. Trying to capture her voice was definitely more difficult than anticipated.

      Thank you so much for the like, the comment and the reblog! It honestly means the world to me!

      You are truly a gem Linda!

      – Ainsworth, 🙂 Xx


      1. LindaGHill says:

        You have a lot of talent, Ainsworth. The kind you can’t learn from a book or a class. You’re a storyteller.
        Keep honing your art, learn the technical stuff, and you’ll go a very long way. 🙂
        You’re welcome. 🙂

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Thank you Linda! I definitely intend to, I’m also going to branch out into new writing styles… i.e. Reviewing Movies. Once I finish my schooling, I’m definitely going to start learning more on writing!

        Thanks again Linda,

        – Ainsworth, 🙂 Xx

        P.S. I just finished up writing my post in response to the prompt ‘Waiting’. Which will be published in exactly seven hours! I can’t wait! I think you’ll like it 🙂


  2. LindaGHill says:

    Reblogged this on Linda G. Hill and commented:
    I’ve discovered a talented young writer! I met Ainsworth through my fiction blog, and he’s just amazing. Won’t you please go visit him, read his work, give him some encouragement and a follow, too? Thank you!
    Note: Comments here are turned off. Please visit the original post.


  3. idiotwriter says:

    Solid! Keep writing!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much! I definitely intend to! 🙂

      – Ainsworth, Xx


      1. idiotwriter says:

        You are welcome. 🙂 Thanks for a lovely read, I don’t often get to visit around reading much lately… but if Linda says something is great, with that much enthusiasm.. it means, it’s worth taking time to stop a while and read. 😉

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Hehe, well I hope that there are more posts of mine that you’ll find equally as lovely. I have a post coming out in about six hours, and I think you might just like it too 😉

        Thanks again,

        – Ainsworth, Xx

        P.S. Yes, she really is amazing! 🙂


      3. idiotwriter says:

        Cool. May or may not pop back around. Late shift working. Not much time spent on WP anymore. Sadly, as there are very lovely people around.
        Take care Sir. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for your feedback Dale! It is greatly appreciated 🙂

      – Ainsworth, Xx

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Alka Sharma says:

    Heartfelt, enduring and very warm! U keep readers hooked ! Lovely read.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much Alka! I’m so glad you enjoyed it, I did have a bit of trouble tapping into her voice! But, I do like a good challenge 🙂

      Thanks again,

      – Ainsworth, 🙂 Xx


  5. itsphoebelouise says:

    Awesome story! It’s amazing how you wrote in a mother’s point of view even though, like you said, you are not an adult yet. 👍

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Phoebe, I’m so glad many people think so! It’s incredible, I mean the response has been nothing but positive and I couldn’t be more thankful!

      I’m so glad that you liked the post 🙂

      – Ainsworth, Xx

      Liked by 1 person

      1. itsphoebelouise says:

        You deserve it man! Your style of writing is captivating! Don’t ever stop writing! Hope I’ll meet you someday. You are truly awesome. 👏👏👏

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Thank you so much for the encouragement Phoebe! Having people like you that believe in me, just blows me away!

        Funnily enough, I have just finished writing another blog post! Which will be published later on! 🙂

        – Ainsworth, Xx

        P.S. I can’t wait to read more of your work! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

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