I’ll Remember (Writing 101 – Prompt 15)

Sorry again for the delay in my writing, now when I was asked about what to write for today’s prompt it stumped me. But, after time away I’ve finally come up with something that I remember. So, here goes. I hope you all like it. I’ll try my hardest to complete all my prompts soon. (SEE THE END FOR FURTHER NOTES).

This all happened in January, well December 31st if we really want to get technical. It all started out with my Mum driving me out to my friend’s place. My friend and I were planning on heading up to Sydney to see the New Year’s Fireworks. I’d seen them before on TV and am never less than impressed by what I see. I was so happy to be asked, after all I couldn’t think of a better way to start the year.

We caught the train and made one stop before we reached our destination, almost missing our stop both times. Whoops, but nonetheless we caught up with my friend’s family and spent the remainder of the afternoon in our… apartment? Spending more time exploring around the city.

We spent a good amount of the afternoon just talking while we walked and got ice-cream. The ice cream that I obtained not being that good, should’ve trusted my keen instinct.

It was sometime after 8PM that we decided we would venture out into the city to see the 9PM fireworks. The fireworks being broadcasted on both sides of the Sydney Harbour Bridge in perfect unison. These were the fireworks being more geared towards parents with young children and elderly people who just simply couldn’t stay up for the 12AM display.

After those fireworks, we sat atop our apartment roof with our legs overhanging the edge whilst we delved into our ice-cream. I remember having a perfect view of the Sydney Harbour Bridge. The coldness hanging in the air, with my excitement thinking about the spectacle that I would see in a matter of mere hours.

I remember seeing a family dinner in the apartment to my left, I guess it was a family getting together with relatives. Also a good way to start a new year I thought. So much food being placed on the table, I wasn’t quite sure what they had but I would gladly tuck into some of those delicacies.

The time after that became a blur and pretty soon that time for the 12AM fireworks started to set in along with my excitement. I remember leaving at 11:40PM as we started running to get a good spot. We were lucky enough to get there within five minutes and be lucky enough to get a good view towards the front.

Then came the countdown, I couldn’t be more excited to see the seconds on the pillar of the bridge as everyone chanted in unison. As it came to one second, what I had come to see had finally come to purchase and I’m telling you, nothing could compare to those fireworks. I couldn’t stop shouting at the sky as all those colours filled the night sky, morning sky I should say. The fireworks being shown in all directions, making it impossible to focus on one spot.

The best part being the golden river of fireworks that resembled a waterfall as it cascaded off the bridge and into the water below. The golden rows of fireworks that were shot off at the top of the bridge was just an amazing way to end the show, start the day and the year. What a perfect way to start what I didn’t know would be, the start of an unforgettable year.

So, there you have it! I officially have one week left of prompts before my time in this course concludes. As always please leave a like, rating, follow or feedback as any of these would be greatly appreciated.

I have also posted a Film Review Schedule that has a list of the upcoming films that I’m going to review. Please check that out, I am currently taking requests so if there is a film that you’d like me to review please leave a comment on any of my blog posts and I’ll try my best to review them.

Thanks, Happy Reading and Good Job to Everyone who participated in Writing101 this year, I hope I see you all again next year!,

– Ainsworth 🙂 , Xx

One Comment Add yours

  1. Uday says:

    I’ve always been fascinated by the fireworks display on the Sydney Harbor Bridge, whenever I catch it on TV. It looks spectacular for sure!! This is a great memory and you have nicely put it in words! 🙂 Looking forward to your final week posts!


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